You can greatly reduce the time it takes for our technicians to resolve your issue by providing exact steps to replicate your issue.

If you report a problem with your website application or software (such as WordPress, Magento, PrestaShop, etc.) we will need to replicate the reported problem so we can try to fix it for you or find its cause. While replicating the problem, our technicians will monitor the server log files, which may reveal more detail on the problem.

To help us help you, please provide a detailed list of steps that allow us to replicate the problem, including where we should go to (what page URL), what login details are required, what steps we should take to, and any other information that would allow us to see the error or problem for ourselves.

Our technicians are experts in Linux server administration. We really know our stuff when it comes to web, database and email services. However, please understand that we are not website administrators or web developers. Please bear in mind that we do not normally work with your website, we probably haven't logged in to it before and we are not familiar with it. When providing your instructions, please presume we know zilch! The more detail, the better!

Step One

Note down your essential info:

  • Operating System (OS) you are using:
    • On a computer, is it running Windows, Linux or Mac, and what version?
    • On a mobile/tablet device, is it running iOS or Android (or something else), and what version?
  • Web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Edge) and what version
  • Your IP address, which you can find on

Step Two

Please reproduce the problem as you write out the steps.

If you are a developer, please reproduce the problem with the end-user or client before you report it to us and document the steps.

For security reasons, if troubleshooting the issue requires access to a private page/area, we recommend adding a temporary account with sufficient access rights, which you should remove after the problem is resolved. Alternatively, you can change the password of an existing account temporarily and change it back afterwards.

As you move through each step, write out a numbered list with each step you take to replicate the problem.

As you write out each point on the list, include information about what to look for to spot the problem.

Here is an example:

  1. Login to Magento at with the username xxxx and password yyyy
  2. In the left menu go to Components => Shopping Pro 
  3. In Shopping Pro page, go to Products => New Releases
  4. Look for the product 'Winter Pullover with Strips" and click on the Edit button
  5. Scroll down the page and on the right side click the button 'Duplicate product'
  6. You will see an error in bold at top of the page
  7. The product is not duplicated as expected

Although not essential, it is an added bonus if you can provide screenshots of the error/issue, so we can see exactly what you're seeing.

Step Three

Include any other relevant info, for example recent updates to the software/plugin that might be linked to the error/behaviour, changes to the hosting account or PHP environment, etc.

When was the first time you've encountered this problem? When was the last time you know for sure it was working normally?

Once you have all this information, please submit it in a support ticket here:

We will then try to reproduce the issue and fix it if it's caused by our server or if we know a solution to the problem. However, please note that some issues may fall out of the scope of our support and would require the help of an experienced developer.

Updated by PA on 28/01/2023

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