PHP.ini Manager (phpinimgr) is a WHM plugin designed to help you manage custom php.ini files for your users. It will list all php.ini files in the users root and www folder. If you are using suPHP, you can laso use PHP.ini Manager to activate, edit and update custom php.ini files for your users.

Installation Instructions:

# cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi
# wget -O addon_phpinimgr.php
# chmod 700 addon_phpinimgr.php

You will now find PHP.ini Manager in WHM, under the Plugins section.


  • List custom php.ini files, per user
  • Ability to activate / deactivate the use of a custom php.ini file, per user
  • Built-in editor
  • Ability to update all custom php.ini files with the global copy, while retaining custom settings
  • Checks to see if suPHP is correctly set-up to handle custom php.ini files
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